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Volume 1 Issue 1


Interdisciplinary Materials: Interdisciplinary and frontier researches between materials science and other disciplines


Interdisciplinary research: Thoughts and strategic layouts



W. Luo, S. Yan, J. Zhou. Ceramic‐based dielectric metamaterials. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 11‐27. doi:10.1002/idm2.12012


R. Paul, Q. Zhai, A. K. Roy, L. Dai. Charge transfer of carbon nanomaterials for efficient metal‐free electrocatalysis. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 28‐50. doi:10.1002/idm2.12010

澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Liming Dai教授团队:高效无金属电催化中的碳纳米材料电荷转移

L. Zhang, J. Zhu, X. Li, S. Mu, F. Verpoort, J. Xue, Z. Kou, J. Wang. Nurturing the marriages of single atoms with atomic clusters and nanoparticles for better heterogeneous electrocatalysis. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 51‐87. doi:10.1002/idm2.12011

新加坡国立大学John Wang教授团队:异相催化中的“三体”问题

X. Tang, Z. Li, W. Liu, Q. Zhang, C. Uher. A comprehensive review on Bi2Te3‐based thin films: thermoelectrics and beyond. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 88‐115. doi:10.1002/idm2.12009

美国密歇根大学C. Uher教授、武汉理工大学唐新峰教授团队:Bi2Te3基热电薄膜的全面综述

J. Jiang, J. Liu. Iron anode‐based aqueous electrochemical energy storage devices: recent advances and future perspectives. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 116‐139. doi:10.1002/idm2.12007


Research Article

F. Xiong, Y. Jiang, L. Cheng, R. Yu, S. Tan, C. Tang, C. Zuo, Q. An, Y. Zhao, J. Gaumet, L. Mai. Low‐strain TiP2O7 with three‐dimensional ion channels as long‐life and high‐rate anode material for Mg‐ion batteries. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 140‐147. doi:10.1002/idm2.12004


H. Kanda, V. D. Mihailetchi, M. E. Gueunier-Farret, J. Kleider, Z. Djebbour, J. Alvarez, B. Philippe, O. Isabella, M. R. Vogt, R. Santbergen, P. Schulz, F. Peter, M. Nazeeruddin, J. Connolly. Three‐terminal perovskite/integrated back contact silicon tandem solar cells under low light intensity conditions. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 148‐156. doi:10.1002/idm2.12006


M. Zhang, Y. Jing, J. Zhang, Z. Sheng, Y. Hou, J. Xu, B. Chen, J. Liu, M. Wang, X. Hou. Performance prediction of magnetorheological fluid‐based liquid gating membrane by Kriging machine learning method. Interdiscip. Mater. 2022; 1(1): 157‐169. doi:10.1002/idm2.12005



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